Most one tank systems are forced to operate on pressure bypass valves while tank repairs are made. This results in a large electric bill, excessive pump wear, a tremendous waste of water (particularly at night), low or no pressure at times of peak demand and no reserve for fire protection. Distribution piping and equipment are often damaged by pressure surges. These and other problems, caused by water being dumped on streets and in road ditches, can be minimized or completely eliminated by using properly sized and located portable pressure tanks. All systems that operate on pressure switches can easily be operated with properly sized pressure tanks while the elevated storage tank or standpipe is off line for renovation. When a storage tank needs to be taken out of service, due to structural or sanitation problems, portable tanks can efficiently fill the gap while emergency repairs are being made. Tomcat Consultants has portable hydro-pneumatic potable water storage tanks available. The tanks range in size from 1,000 to 25,000 gallon capacity. They are reconditioned, inside and out, with NSF Approved epoxy and are suitably piped to hook on line with most water systems. Tanks can be used in freezing temperatures by insulating and covering. The size tank or tanks needed is determined by population, well pump or plant capacity, areas of high usage and size and length of distribution piping. Most small systems can operate comfortably with as little as 7 to 10 gallons per person in portable temporary storage.
Tomcat Consultants Portable Pressure Tank Fleet

Contact Tomcat Consultants to further discuss your Portable Pressure Tank needs.